Keynote Speaker
Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Topic: Towards Extreme Band Communications
Public Talk
Invited Speakers
Prof. Michèle Heurs
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Topic: Squeezed Light
Prof. Suresh Subramaniam
George Washington University, USA
Topic: Optical Data Center Networks
Prof. W. Withayachumnankul
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Topic: Systematically designed broadband terahertz metasurfaces
Prof. Akshay Rao
University of Cambridge, UK
Topic: Ultrafast Pump-probe Microscopy
Dr. Daniel Pérez López
CTO and Co-Founder, iPRONICS, Spain
Topic: Programmable photonic integrated circuits: performance and scalability
Prof. Lorenzo Pavesi
University of Trento, Italy
Topic: Neural networks integrated in silicon photonics
Dr. Krishnakumar Sabapathy
Xanadu Quantum Technologies, Canada
Topic: Quantum Computing with Cluster States
Prof. Carsten Rockstuhl
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Topic: Computational Nanophotonics
Dr. Fatima Gunning
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
Topic: Technologies for Flexible Optical Networks
Dr. Shourya Dutta Gupta
IIT Hyderabad, India
Topic: Understanding the behavior of localized and propagating surface plasmons on alloy thin films and nanostructures
Prof. Stephen E Ralph
Georgia Tech, USA
Topic: Recent Advances in Photonics: Silicon Photonics to Machine Leaning
Prof. B D Gupta
IIT Delhi, India
Topic: Optical fiber based plasmonic sensors for biomedical diagnostics

Dr. Arvind Mishra
Sterlite Technologies Ltd, India
Topic: Applications of SDM fiber in Next Generation Networks
Dr. Anand Asundi
CEO, d’Optron Pte Ltd, Singapore
Topic: Computational 3D Imaging
Dr. Niels Quack
The University of Sydney, Australia
Topic: Exploring Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems in Silicon Photonics
Prof. Yana Vaynzof
TU Dresden, Germany
Topic: A Hybrid Approach to High Efficiency All-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells
Dr. Diyar Talbayev
Tulane University, USA
Topic: Terahertz and Time Resolved Studies of Magnetic and Polar Crystals
Dr. Bala Pesala
TeraLumen, India
Topic: Terahertz Technology Solutions
Tutorial Speakers
Prof. Balaji Srinivasan
IIT Madras, India
Topic: Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors – Fundamentals
Prof. Tapanendu Kundu
IIT Bombay, India
Topic: Photonics Technologies for Agro Applications
Prof. Jagadish Rane
ICAR, Baramati, India
Topic: Emerging opportunities in application of imaging science for climate-resilient crop plants
Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan
IIT Bombay, India
Topic: Data Efficient Machine Learning
Prof. Kedar Khare
IIT Delhi, India
Topic: Optical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence for Digital Healthcare
Dr. Jagannath Nayak
Director, CHESS, DRDO, India
Topic: Photonics Applications in Defence
Prof. Michael Feiginov
TU Vienna, Austria
Topic: Resonant Tunneling Diodes and Quantum Cascade Lasers for Terahertz Frequencies
Dr. Nimish Dixit
IRDE Dehradun, India
Topic: Photonics Applications in Defence